What has being an Executive Influencer Done for you?

Exec Influencer

What has the Executive Influencer Program done for busy Executive’s already?

Check out what some had to say…

My network has been so amazing at coming through during this tough time of COVID where, you know, I didn’t know what was going to happen next. And they were always there like a rock. I feel like I had a very strong network to begin with, but over COVID those relationships just got stronger because we were all sort of swimming upstream together.

And I felt that the power of the network really came through during times of crisis like this. I always say a connection begets a connection begets a connection. It’s literally a network effect. And I’ve seen that in action. So many times it really struck me during this particular time, how we sort of take our network for granted and it can be so powerful.

Hey, I’m a big fan. I’m a convert if you will. Right. I used to think that LinkedIn is just a must-have in terms of, yeah, you got to have a LinkedIn presence and not really need to engage, but having done the engagement and having seen the fruits of it, I am a huge fan.

I mean, that’s the thing I’m going to tell you is I have had a handful of people come to me and say, come and look at my resume, or they’re looking for a job. And I tell them it’s too late, because what happens is people go out and, and we’ll find out who you are. We’ll check out what you have written and find out more about you and actually know about you right now than just what that one piece of paper is.

So I think at the end of the day, basically what we need to do is, you know, there’s not an argument. This is the thing, it helps promote you. It helps you to learn more relevant information that’s happening today. It connects you with people who are subject matter experts and it connects you with people who need your expertise rather than having to send email, and you’ve limited your connections if you aren’t doing this today.

Do you find this, this whole experience of engaging with people on social media to be quite enjoyable? I mean, it’s often a high point of my day or a great 10-minute break that I take between the tough stuff.

Meetings are tough, and so ar heads down working sessions. So what’s fun about it is being able to connect with people that I wouldn’t be able to connect with in person because we’re in a different city or we’re also busy, but I can have quick little conversations with really great people and across the world only through LinkedIn.This happens quite regularly.

I think the best bang for your buck is LinkedIn. Simply because it is the best organic reach that is going on social media right now, it has the organic reach that Facebook used to have. About 10 years ago. It’s an untapped resource that many people just aren’t utilizing.

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