Anyone with a ScaleUp C-Suite role needs to develop and curate a network to achieve better business outcomes in a shorter period of time and to accelerate their career when they complete the current tour of duty. The challenge is finding the time to do your day job and develop your network. The tactical demands of the day to day of the ScaleUp Stage always comes first, and often the networking activities get pushed to ‘some future’ day. Many ScaleUp executives find themselves having to look for their next role, which is difficult after the adrenaline rush following an exciting exit. Find the time. The ScaleUp Edge platform incorporates ways to make networking more efficient for the ScaleUp Executive.
While networking is important for everyone, it is particularly to those who are interested in becoming a leader in their organization or industry. See ‘What is an Executive Influencer’. A well built and maintained network is one of the most powerful tools in life.
In addition to the community here to help build you, below are some tips published by Shelley Perry, an Investor and ScaleUp Expert, shared a series on Networking on Linkedin.
The Secret to Successful Networking: Why you should start now
Networking is about Giving – Share Content – it builds Trust and Network “Credits”
Networking is an Investment. Start Now and Let it Build While You Aren’t Counting
Offering Engaging Insights Should be Part of Your Networking Investment
The underlying takeaway is the importance of building your ScaleUp Network, the time is now. It’s never too late to get started.
At ScaleUp Edge, we are passionate about helping you achieve your goals with a thorough Networking Playbook. Interested to learn more about how to become an Executive Influencer? Fill out the form here to speak to someone at the ScaleUp Edge team.